What is Frankie week? It is the week leading up to May 26, 2014, the Centennial of Frankie Manning’s Birthday in Frankie’s Hometown, NEW YORK CITY.
Frankie was born May 26, 1914 and died at the young age of 94 on April 27, 2009. Frankie lived in New York his entire life as performer, soldier, postal worker, teacher, friend, and inspiration for the revival of the Lindy Hop
He died just before his 95th Birthday Celebration, which was still held as a memorial at the Manhattan Center in New York City.
Frankie Trifecta
The Frankie Trifecta events was organized by New York City Lindy Hoppers as a Hometown event after Frankie 100 sold out in in the Fall of 2013. The Savoy Ball of May 23, 2014 was the first night of the Trifecta, and is organized by Alan Sugarman, the Executive Producer of Frankie’s 85th Celebration at Roseland Ballroom.
Frankie 100
The Trifecta will add to the offerings of the Frankie 100 group, which in the fall of 2013, announced a five day event in New York City, which promptly in minutes sold out the $329 tickets to over 2000 Lindy Hoppers from around the world.
Some of the Frankie 100 events are open to the public and to those not purchasing that package.. Attend the public events including the Apollo Theater show and the Monday Night Closing Party. Do not wait to purchase your tickets. More details may be found at http://frankie100.com/events-open-to-the-public/.
In addition to the Frankie Trifecta and Frankie 100, there is plenty to keep you busy in New York City, with jazz, theater, and food. And, there will be plenty of opportunity to meet with all of the LIndy Hoppers in New York.
You may wish to support the Frankie Manning Foundation and make your contribution to the Foundation when your purchase your ticket to the Savoy Ball. Or you may choose to promote Frankie Manning and Lindy Hop through your own events and activities, even using Frankie Manning’s name, since Frankie did not designate any particular person or organization to carry on his work and visions.